Friday, September 30, 2016

Why we don't talk anymore of cetaceans as "wild animals".

As some of you may have already noticed, some of the people in our "group" never talk about "wild" cetaceans, claim that cetaceans are "wild animals" living in their "natural habitat", that captives must be returned "to the wild" etc. instead describing such individuals as "free" or "libre". The reason for this is multiple and important to understand our doubts and claims. While it first rooted itself into a problem of respect - indigenous people were called "savage" or "wild" by westerners ; why replicating this with what we deem as non human people ? It goes well beyond a mere problem of naming towards a more structural reason : the notion of wild is fundamentally wrong to understand cetaceans and non humans as a whole, and questioning it is crucial to question sanctuaries and other practices toward cetaceans and non humans. Why ?

Wilderness and its contradictions :

The first thing that should appear as an evidence to anyone are the superficial contradictions between the very use of this notion and the common discourse in our activism about cetacean personhood. In particular :

*Isn't there a contradiction between claiming that cetaceans are non human persons or people and that they are "wild animals" ? Would we call a human "wild animals" or the spaces we live in as "wilderness" ?

*Isn't there a contradiction between relying so much on culture to assess cetaceans as valuable beings which shouldn't be kept captives, and calling them "wild animals" that live "in the wilderness", particularly since "culture" is traditionally opposed to the idea of the "brute" or the "savage" being ?

*Isn't calling them "wild animals" as insulting as calling an indigenous person "savage" because s/he lives in an environments we as westerners deem as "natural" or "backward" ?

The problem, of course, goes well beyond a mere hypocrisy in activists, and the fact that it is so much conserved and deeply rooted in our ways shows that these notions are structurally inherent to our societies and cultures, and must be questioned as such :

Wilderness is a fundamental myth of western societies.

In other words, we were educated in a culture which taught us that there is a fundamental division between two entities called "nature" and "humans". "Nature" or "Wilderness" is systematically imagined in a chaotic or hostile form, generally a floral bloom or a jungle setting. By contrast, humans spaces are imagined as an idealization of the western world : sprawling cities of concrete roads and polluted air, road traffic etc. supposed to "grow against nature" which in itself is understood as trying to grow against human settlement. This idea of a space called "nature", radically separated from a "human space", is as such extremely determined historically, and doesn't reflect well non human realities, but rather both a human and western sociocultural bias over non humans. It in facts well reflects the idea of order and security from a western point of view, determined by technology and the research of material wealth and comfort.

*The idea of a separation between "wilderness" and humans doesn't make sense for several reasons. One is simply that humans are biological and physical entities : they are submitted to the same laws and systems than the "rest" of what we call nature ; we "are" nature in itself. Denying this would be akin to resurrect the old Cartesian spectrum of a radical mind/body division coupled with an exception of man, a anthropocentrist point of view with no real scientific grounds and which is instrumental in legitimating relations of domination over non humans. Another one is that it isn't even sound in the light of ecology : what we call "natural environments" aren't chaotic entities, but well understandable systems with its rules and laws, where species are fit to live in rather than "surviving" in a sort of "soup". As such, the conception of "wild animal" in its more general sense of "an animal living in a space called the wild" seldom makes sense in itself.

But it is mostly the idea that such a divide could roots itself historically and socioculturally that can show the full absurdity of this conception.

*While we believe to be the first, or one of the first, to have started to question the term as for the idea of the "wild animal", the conception of "wilderness" and more largely of "nature" as a non human space was and is still questioned by a plethora of intellectual and researchers. One of the first was the french philosopher and anthropologist Phillipe Descola in his book "Beyond nature and culture". Through his studies of Amazonian indians called the Achuars, he realized that the nature/culture divide isn't universal to all people, that some cultures understand as such non humans as persons, and more importantly that so called "native", "indigenous" or "tribal" cultures made an extensive, active use of their environments, exploiting and domesticating their spaces and lifeforms rather than "surviving" in a "wilderness" or merely harvesting what they passively find (a point we will address later in the text). Descola shows how the Achuars understand what we call "nature" or "wilderness" as a "big garden", where each species fills a specific role and use, which is to be domesticated, shaped and used by man in very specific ways. In other words, what we call and imagine as a "natural space" is a fantasy proper to our urban, agrarian, technologically expanding culture, whereas cultures and societies which evolved in these environment possess another, more accurate, complex understanding and representation of these spaces they indeed occupy and use. What is "chaos" or "wilderness" for us isn't the same for them, as spaces we perceive as "wilderness" will have an order and a logic for these people.

The Achuar people studied by Phillipe Descola understand the jungle around us as "gardens" they tend for rather than as "wilderness"  ; the way the "cut up" space differs from the west.
*Of course, the problematic aspect of a human/nature divide was widely questioned by many thinkers of ecology, such as Bruno Latour (We have never been modern), or Timothy Morton (Ecology without Nature). In particular the notion of Wilderness, commonly used in our circles when it comes to deal with cetaceans, is theorized in Roderick Nash's "Wilderness and the American mind" to roots itself historically in the founding of the modern United States at the end of the "pioneer era", and more largely XIXth century romanticism and European colonialism. It posits a fantasized idea of natural spaces as entirely cut from human influence, which should be "conserved" in such a pristine way from it, regardless of what thousand of years of human habitation did to the land or of how a western, colonialist cultural bias could found such views. One of the consequences of this politics is the exlusion and marginalization of native populations from their own land they sometimes occupied and managed for thousand of years in the name of conservation, a fate which notably stroke natives which originally inhabited the Yellowstone park, or as described by the Indian political activist Ramachandra Guha in his book "Ecology and Equity: The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India", farmers from India in the name of tiger conservation. Of course, all this founds itself on the myth of a fundamental divide between "nature" and "man", which refuses to understand them as a single entity or, better, the continuous relation between multiple entities with each others under a similar system of laws.

Is this concept really necessary ?

Of course, a solid argument that can be brought up to us is that such distinction is important to debunk the dolphinarium discourse about captive dolphins and whales being akin to "domestic animals". The idea being to claim, rightfully indeed, that cetaceans aren't "naturally" "made" or "meant" to be captive, and suffer from such setting, and more largely that they aren't spontaneously "loyal" and "naive" to humans, as for a domestic dog. While we believe this to be the truth, the reason why we take such a point of view differs from the mainstream activism in many points.

Classical Ethology can bring us a partial solution to this, as ethological observations well shows tremendous innate behavioral differences between what we call "domestic" and "wild" animals. Basically, artificial selection and genetic drifting with time in artificial environments with less selective pressure shaped domestic animals with a series particular physiological and behavioral traits : droopy ears, neotenic traits, smaller dentition, but also more juvenile behaviors, loss of specialized innate drive toward an increase of more general drives etc. The other point is, of course, our insistence on how innate behaviors are unalterable, and that there isn't such thing as turning a "wild animal" into a "domestic one" through human or captivity influence, and our opposition to the behaviorist credo of an "all learned" and completely alterable animal mind. While the traditional use by our activism of this rhetoric seems to imply a recognition of innate by them, this is far from being the truth, as the traditional activism mostly relies on the usual doxas about animal behavior ; it is more largely less an issue of science or knowledge, which is selective by context, than the fact that the underlying structures of thoughts are generally anthropocentrists and lack self criticism. Worse, this critique of dolphinariums seems less to found itself in any sound science than a fantasy of the "wild animal" expressed by the popular representation of the dolphin, which as we will explore next is double sided.

This point of view, though, has its limits. This is notably because it is oblivious, beyond a correct "scientific use" of the term, of the sociocultural reality behind these terms and their consequences. By 2013, at the pinnacle of my use of classical ethology to "rethink" my activism, I wrote an article for Charlie Hebdo about the dolphinarium industry where I notably wrote that ethology showed us that cetaceans weren't domestic animals, but wild animals, and as such shouldn't be kept in captivity. While I was right in showing how dolphinariums failed in their reasoning, I also was wrong in using such wording, not by a mere problem of respect or political correctness but because I didn't considered at the time all the facets of the word use and its consequences on the perception and relation to cetaceans themselves.

Cetaceans must be though as actively shaping their environment 

Like the indigenous people we talked before, we believe necessary to assume that if cetaceans are to be understood as people, then they also should be understood as active shapers of their environment, rather than mere passive harvesters of oceanic resources, and this over social and cultural factors. While it can appear absurd given their lack of technology and the nature of oceanic spaces, several realities should be considered.

The first is that even human population with very primitive technology managed their environments. While this is still an ongoing controversial field of studies, anthropologists are rediscovering clues pointing out toward various indigenous populations actively shaping environments they occupied for tens of thousand of years, such as Australian aborigines with the "fire stick farming" technique. The idea being that many populations changed their environment to suit their need through such techniques as hunting pressure, crop rotation and field burning.

The second one is that this is imaginable from cetaceans in the form of long term hunting pressure (on certain species, under a certain time cycle inside of certain spaces), or in a lesser way through excretions, which are known to impact fish populations. This would come as no surprise, as it could be already be the case in far north human populations such as the Inuits where agriculture and field burning aren't an option.

As such, such conclusions necessarily leads to important political and social implications. One of them is that territories (or "marritories" as I like to name them) inhabited and used by cetaceans must be recognized as owned by them, or in all cases sea resources to be their own as populations, since they are the indirect engineers of these resources. Others are of course that cetaceans must be recognized as owners of their own body ; in all cases, humans, in particular as power-based institutions (whether states, corporations, scientific or conservation institutions etc), should severely limit their power over cetaceans and their seas and have no right to manage or tutelage cetaceans. This, though, isn't synonymous of condemning human cetacean relation ; the last is at the contrary something that the firsts strongly rejects outside of its elitist frame, which keeps a distance with the cetacean by rejecting genuine personal relation or social relation. Part of our job at advocating cetaceans would be indeed to live with them, or providing them with a social reality, particularly liberated, and to reshape our conception of cetacean freedom and our relation to captives : our activism would then have to mutate into a form of protection of oceanic territories from human invasive encroachment, particularly the excessive use of food resources they use.

Of course though, such conclusions are limited, particularly because they still rely on the very problematic conception of "right", itself a corollary of state, which cannot be trusted on these matters ; it is more a social and political aspect rather than a purely isolated ethical one, working on context rather than ontologies and principles as I did in the past. We believe that such an initiative should be collective, from voluntary people outside of any institution. The other problem is that our conception of territory is too "concrete" and "fixed", whereas cetaceans obviously possess a more fluid, open and dynamic conception of territory ; this is already a problem the West faces when dealing with many indigenous or nomadic populations which rely a lot of constant displacement and dispersed resources gathering rather than an agrarian, urbanized lifestyle, which obviously shaped our current conception of "territory" as a delimited places between institutionalized states governing on people.

Cetaceans environment, the so called "sea" or "ocean", is as such not only understood as a "chaotic, dangerous space", but also as a sort of terra nullius which resources can be rightfully harvested at will, whereas their use by cetacean populations - or indeed other lifeforms - aren't to be recognized. In fact, cetaceans are themselves understood as resources, even by the most progressive activists and animal advocates. Humans grant themselves both a right of management, use and ownership of cetaceans, where one can have full disposition of a cetacean body : Scientific and conservation institutions in particular can capture, maintain captive, harass or euthanize at will while their actions are condoned by states worldwide. The general situation of cetaceans all around the globe, free or captives, is akin to colonization, in that whether the cetaceans there will be always a minority of humans in power granting themselves a right of management of ownership of these populations, while their right of ownership are being ignored, their resources depleted, and their exploitation legitimated over a paternalistic rhetoric.

It is as such important in a way to "decolonize" our conception of cetaceans. Questioning not only the nature of the cetacean surroundings and lifestyle but also their representation, a fundamental tool in the legitimacy of their use as objects :

Giving up the fantasies

As we previously saw, as cetaceans continue to be understood as living in "the wilderness", imagined as a sort of "soup" where the cetacean, conceived as living "alone", and "isolated", they are as well to be harvested or managed "for their own good" (sanctuarization of ex captive and some stranded, forced "rehabilitation" based on behaviorism, euthanasia of stranded, tagging and capture in the name of scientific studies and conservation, refusal and penalization of human/cetacean contact worldwide...) by a human scientist elite. This rhetoric is of course pervasive in most people minds, particularly from activists and dolphinariums alike, and is key to understand the legitimation of sanctuaries in particular. Any questioning of sanctuaries as an outcome is generally violently dismissed as "dumping" the dolphin "in the ocean", or illustrated as the cetacean being "alone" "in the middle of the sea" etc. This understanding of liberation is we believe particularly flawed from the beginning, as it understands "liberation" as an "outing" of the "animalized" from a structured social space into a fantasized conception of certain spaces understood as "wild", "chaotic" or "dangerous", which is oblivious of many facts, particularly of cetaceans already possessing social spaces comparable in nature and complexity to human societies. It relies on a series of dubious representations acquired by our western societies and cultures which aren't generally backed on demonstration or experience but on the assumption that the other shares the same fantasized representation ("the wild" "nature" "the middle of the sea"...).

Cetaceans are as such understood in our popular culture under a dichotomy of the "naive, servile dolphin" and the "wild animal" in the same way that the indigenous person was understood in the European imaginary either as the "noble savage" or the "dumb brown man" needing guidance and education. We see from one side a paternalistic iconography invented and extensively used by the dolphinarium industry, which understands the tursiops dolphin in particular as a child-like, smiling creature, living in an idyllic tropical like decorum, head out of the water, begging for attention and here to serve the human in a parody of "friendship" and "love". On the other, an image particularly used by activists of the dolphin which must be "wild and free", with a celebration of the dolphin or whale capacity to "leap", swim or travel in groups for miles in wide oceanic spaces, and its purported keenness to "feast in joy". All these representations of course interact fluidly with each other ; but while they can superficially appear as opposed, they are indeed different expressions of the same underlying anthropocentrist structure of domination.

It is impossible not to draw strong parallelisms between these popular representation of cetaceans and "dolphins" in particular in our western popular culture as a tool of legitimation of their exploitation and the way certain categories of human people were depicted in the west to legitimate certain practices, particular indigenous people during colonization or women during the XIXth century. The general representation of the "stupid, smiling, servile dolphin", used by dolphinariums or sanctuaries proponent to legitimate captivity ("the poor dolphin is unfortunately unable to live in the wild anymore, it must live under the care and love of a specialized staff for the rest of its life"), shows strong parallelism with the depiction of indigenous people during European and American colonialism in the XIXth and XXth century, particularly colonial France. The "Banania" mascot is a well known instance of the paternalistic depiction of black people from Africa as naive, child-like, always smiling, and servile people, with the general idea that they are too chaotic to govern themselves and need the forced, external tutoring of European "civilization" to live well.

On the other hand, the general activist fantasy of the "wild and free" dolphin, traditionally opposed to the "clown cetacean" of dolphinariums, can be compared to the popular representation of native american, particularly plain people during the pioneer era, as the "noble savage" or "brave", keen toward "wild, wide spaces" the idea of "liberty" opposed to the supposedly oppressive life of city and "civilization". As such the life of the other is indeed idealized rather than shunned or degraded ("they live in more equal societies" "they make one with nature" "they are non violent" etc.), but as something outside of any societal structure ; in all cases there is a denial of the other as society members, with several negative consequences.

Inauguration-Planete-529.jpgFile:Bottlenose Dolphin KSC04pd0178 (cropped).jpg

These fantasies of course tend to work in a fluid way : the dolphinarium industry heavily used the former positive representation as well, as dolphin shows paradoxically rely on these cliches founded on an idealized view of "freedom", with an emphasize on the way dolphins jump or leap in particular.

On the other, we can ever find a third aspect which concentrate on a definitely negative, rejection-based conception of cetaceans as "wild animals". While rarer, it appears at time to notably legitimate certain segregating practices between cetaceans and humans. A typical illustration are marine biologists and conservationists systematically sermonizing people on medias about dolphins being "wild animals" we should "keep a distant with", enforcing contact prohibition worldwide. In this case, the notion of "wild animal" is interpreted in the sense of "savage brute without morals", with an emphasize over rape or murder cases from dolphins - particularly on certain Scottish cases of tursiops allegedly killing babies or porpoises. 

In fact, the overfocalisation on rape from dolphins seems to be a recent obsession in our popular culture, widely shared in social medias and "buzz" articles and undoubtedly because it contrasts with their usual positive or naive depictions in our societies. Of course, one cannot but think about the negative conception of indigenous people during colonial time as "cannibals" or "rapists", particularly black men, justified both to excuse their tutelage and the rejection of any higher social or personal recognition of these people ; one can think about Fanon's analysis of the oversexualisation of black men in European culture (Peau Noire, Masque Blanc).

Sources and references :

*J. Baird Callicott, "A critique of and an alternative to the Wilderness idea" (1994)

 *William Cronon, "The Trouble with Wilderness; or, getting back to the wrong nature" (1995)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why we are against cetacean sanctuaries. Part 1 : Sanctuaries vs cetacean personhood.

Given the fact that the planned document is huge, with a lot of sources and details to be added, we decided to release each part like TV series episodes, one part after another, before abstracting them in a bigger document. This way, we can immediately address certain issues, and the process is more practical and comfortable for both us and the readers. (Authors : Julian Aranguren, Andrew Randrianasulu, Milla de Villiers)

Classical activism against cetacean captivity is mainly founded on the notion that cetaceans are to be understood as persons, as people or as being “sapient”. As activists we agree with these views, but it is precisely because we do so that we believe sanctuaries (as “enclosed spaces where ex captives are planned to be placed indefinitely without the captive’s consent”), sea pens and other similar measures to be ethically unacceptable.

The personhood contradiction

First, our activism must be prepared to face its own contradictions when it comes to its discourse about cetacean personhood. One of them is a paradox between the main claim of cetacean personhood used by most of our activists who, at the same time, with the same enthusiasm, support the advocacy for sanctuaries,  sea pen based “rehabs” and other oppressive measures such as stranding euthanasia, invasive tagging, capture for weighing, net use and captures for medical checking or “rehab and release” operations. If cetaceans are to be understood as people or persons then they are to be also granted a right for autonomy and freedom, whether as individuals or as societies, because if  we assume that they are people, then they are intellectually capable of understanding complex situations and problems, control their own emotions, and communicate with us to some extent. In a wider sense because by people we also mean members of a society, and societies which can take responsibilities for certain tasks such as adopting or helping a crippled or lost cetacean. A cetacean is as such never alone but part of a network as members of a society living under certain rules. Such rules should then be recognized and acknowledged, and these individuals should be understood as members of a society rather than subjects of processes that they can’t manage. In other words, the concept of them having control over themselves is found to be unacceptable because it relies on a patronizing stance that denies them the possibility to decide on their own fate or to organize themselves as societies with their own rules to cope with the challenges they face. No trust is given to the cetaceans, which are  dealt with as objects rather than as persons. Keep in mind that this contradiction is never acknowledged or addressed by the concerned parties, whether this is done consciously or not.

This in fact mirrors several realities of the past, including colonial Europe or the evolution of women’s status, a parallel we will highlight in part 10. For instance, during the XIXth century, women weren’t able to vote because they weren’t deemed intelligent enough to take political responsibilities by a mostly male dominated society. Arguments relying on their protection from aggression by males or moral corruption were used to justify their tutelage in various areas, such as financial dependency from their husband or the obligation to be accompanied by a man when going outside. Another strong parallel is colonial Africa, were indigenous people were compared to children, incapable to governing themselves without resorting to cannibalism or internal warfare and needing the tutelage of a “civilized” european power, such as colonial France or Belgium. In a broader sense these categories of humans were somehow compared to children needing the guidance of a more powerful figure. This is a pattern we still see in our activism when it comes to talk of cetaceans which are often referred to in very patronizing ways, with an emphasis on the pathos (“the poor little dolphin is lost without his mom”...) to legitimate their captivity in the name of protection and care. This negation of autonomy doesn’t usually comes from a blunt denial of their intelligence, but from a series of more subtle conceptions and claims that we will question part by part through these series of documents.
An outcome advocated by most

As a matter of fact, one of the most striking traits of this reality is that many of the strongest proponents of cetacean sanctuaries are scientists, activists and/or charismatic leaders which are themselves leading lights in the “anti cap” activism as well as the advocacy for the recognition of cetacean personhood. The orca behaviorist Ingrid Visser, the cognitive neurologist Lori Marino, the philosopher and writer of the “Declaration of Right of Cetaceans”(1) Thomas White or the famous activist and ex-trainer Richard O’Barry are some of them. Far from being an argument in favor of sanctuaries though, this pattern seems to be more of a symptom of a largely broken understanding of the problems cetaceans face, and also of the underlying relation of power behind our beloved “activism” which we ought to expose as activists ourselves.

Such figures don’t rely on the exact same paternalistic discourse to justify this use of sanctuary as was used in  ancient Europe. While past oppressive discourses mostly insisted on a belittling of the other intelligence, notably stressing  a purported reduction of brain size in women and  black people etc. to support their theories as well as other aspects of biological science, our activism paradoxically relies a lot in the exact opposite : a strong insistence on cetacean brain size or properties, and a constant will to pound on cetacean intelligence, sometime even insisting on them being “smarter than humans” in order to assess their personhood and defend their freedom. We will see that the problem is far more subtle and structural, and is less the conscious fault of these people than their unfortunate blindness to mostly unconscious and widespread anthropocentrists systems of thought which are shared by nearly everyone in our societies and cultures, and which are indeed difficult to demystify without a thorough and careful analysis.
Why are sanctuaries being proposed and advocated for ?
The main arguments or concerns underlying the defense of sanctuaries tend to mostly be that captive cetaceans cannot live “in the wild” anymore. This point will be mostly addressed in part 5 by showing how it is often forgotten that cetaceans are uniquely defined by their capacity to help and care for their disabled and their young, as well as by their tendency to adopt orphans or disabled individuals, disabling many  of the usual concerns about cetacean capacity to cope outside of human tutelage, but also mostly showing how their social realities must be taken in account. It is also addressed in part 7, which will mainly emphasize our underestimation of the cetacean capacity to cope in the environments where they evolved to thrive in, and it is our own biases as humans that push us to underestimate them.  They are assumed to have lost their capacity to survive in “the wild” (the questioning of this term, as well as the practice of cetaceans being called “wild animals” despite their person status, will be addressed in part 6), as they are deemed to have “forgotten how to hunt”, as they are thought to “forget their instincts in captivity”, captive born cetaceans are thought to have no survival skills and other similar conclusions. Part 3 is going to demystify the psychological arguments at the core of these stances which deny autonomy to cetaceans in the name of a purported “loss of the innate”. The support of these facilities also stems from an exaggerated fear by activists of the danger that free cetaceans may face (sharks, red tides, storms…), any alternative idea to using captivity being then perceived as an irresponsible act (often leading to the shaming of dissident activists, addressed in part 9). As such, cetaceans are expected to be put through a process of “rehabilitation” inside penned oceanic areas, usually under the guidance of a cetacean trainer.  It is expected that they must “relearn their survival skills”, a particular stress being put on hunting -  the questionable science behind these statements is addressed in part 4. Hypothetically, the one that would, for some reason, be deemed as “unreleasable” by a form of expertise, either because physically crippled in some way or because they would be assumed to be somehow too mentally damaged, would be condemned, without their consent and without giving them a choice to remain in such seaside facilities which are supposed to be as close as possible to their “natural environment”, under the “care and love” of expert handlers until their death (the fact that sanctuaries are being presented in such seducing terms while not mentioning the darker part of their functioning, sterilization in particular, will be questioned in part 8). Such facilities are supposed to be non-profit, but reality shows a far murkier tableau where games of power and money seeking are inherent mechanisms of these future institutions, as we will see in part 2. Further, Part 11 will finally address cetaceans as society members, and indeed as individuals to relate and weave relationships with, something the mainstream discourse is unable to provide, finally showing the absurdity of our concepts about cetaceans and suggesting a new way of dealing with them as individuals.

While being open minded on the possibility of change coming from such people and being open to dialogue, we aren’t blind to the obvious relations of power behind these positions, nor to the blatant hypocrisy inherent in such a stance. In other words : aren’t sanctuaries the product of anthropocentrism and “speciesism” as much as dolphinariums, zoos or circuses are ? Sanctuaries act then as the last rampart of accepted inequality between man and cetacean - and more broadly of inequality between human and non humans - inside our activism. Sanctuaries and its corollaries (notably sea pen “rehabs”) are one of the last and newest frontiers of anthropocentrism to abolish.

We believe that in light of viewing cetaceans as a people and as individuals endowed with choice, free will, and genuine societies, these measures are cruel, unnecessary, patronising, and constitute a genuine social injustice. Our point being that sanctuaries - as well as sea-pen based “rehabilitation” do not respect the very discourse of freedom and equality our activism sought to put forward since more than five decades to put an end to the industry they are now, in fact, collaborating with.
To be continued ….