Saturday, February 10, 2018

Just many questions about our human condition, with very few half-hints at answers.

Humans, why we sucks and what to do about it.

1. Problem at developmental stages.

1.1 excessive authority of parents/school
1.2 not so symbolical (just expressed via symbols/language) violence
1.3 natural shitstrorms at specific age
1.4 behaviorist approach, like when teachers more interested in external aspect of behavior than in cultivating deep thinking
1.5 competative in wrong sense setup
1.6 may be even completely wrong pace of teaching, dictated by need to make human part of (arguably broken, sucking them and everyone) society.
1.7 Culture transferred as a whole, without attention to  how elements of it actually affect beings
1.8 even currently-known bits about psychological quirks (like Milgram’s experiment on authority’s dangers) really ignored.
1.8.1 Abuse of dominance theory ….
1.9 Our child tales too...removed from real-world, cultivating idea we as adults  rel. easily can solve, or worse SOLVED already our biggest problems, while in fact we can’t

2. Problem at ‘adult’ stage
2.1 You forced to spend too much time just making sure you will have most basic things, like food and house.
2.2 very few humans remain curious about how world work into their 30s and 40s and beyond.
2.3 Humans confuse (very dangerously) quest for knowledge with quest for power, unfortunately current society leaves them little to no alternative
2.4 Late years (post 60ish?) tend to be marked  with at very least bigger and bigger time required to get new idea, let alone  less and less desire to dive into NEW concepts and details, especially if you were beaten over attempts at making progress in all your previous life
2.5 Amount of truely free time/effort one can give to others tend to be small.
2.6 assumptions about equality of two groups of humans often turned out to be untrue (more powerful human nearly always less sensitive to voices from around, and thus makes greater errors and least like to ack this, blocking progress much more than helping it)
2.7 Humans stuck into improving easy parts of problem solving, like writing about it, but when it comes to action often no-one actually can carry it out, with real-world pressure against implementation true to plans.
2.8 Humanities currently in some kind of stone age, compared to other sciences. Humans just thrown their own behavior at wall and hope it somewhat will help them. Human engineering can’t be done if we just ignore half of forces and phenomena in human life because we dislike them, and prefer them to disappear. Human engineering often misused as way to craft humans into serving current society… Anthropocentrism thus is all about human narcissism, not geniue understanding of ourselves.
2.9 Not being honest and being overly optimistic about real amount/quality of moral (ethical, better) progress actually play very bad joke with us ..humans told everyone they change, while in fact they not change enough.
2.10 Humans much more interested to maintain their current position (within current society), even if it knowingly will lead to problems to everyone at some point later..
2.11 Thinking without way to carry it out is disabled (sorry, repeating myself)
2.12 Some associations work for too little time, like year or two instead of 10 or 15 years required for cementing new way of thinking/acting.
2.12.1 Having more than two different humans support each other tend to be uncommon, if all of them  above-mainstream in their quality of understanding....
2.13 Having majority of untrusted humans around you sucks big time, likewise having trusted humans who just overstate themselves and fail too easily also sucks…
2.14 humans still confuse authority with objectiveness.
2.15 perfecting one narrow field completely block progress in required associated fields (like, going vegan in food after some point just consume all your  thinking resources and you become blind to real live beings around you …)
2.16 real self-discoveries, and real picture of the world tend to be dark, so humans  retract into _unfounded_ optimism about themselves and fate of the world around them.
2.16.1 But being warrior for change by itself is trap, if you follow usual road of gathering more and more power, because you can’t honestly outdo exploiters (who already out there, gathering their crowds by demagogy), without becoming one...
2.17 Truely revolutionary thinking tend to lurk in some unlit corners, done often (but not always) by lesser-known, they ignored as ‘freaky’, because 2.14
2.18 Nearly all words/ideas and concepts already very used by humans who make them 180 turn on its head, so you can’t simply say this idea will work because it contains all good words and intentions. Worse, tons of overlysugared words usually come from worst humans, who attempt to make themselves look 101% good. (at least this can be indicative!)
2.19 As fast as you assume you can’t make error - you will make one. BIG one, usually ….
2.20 Is our demand for debate actually makes us _nothing more_ than debaters? “Convince me!” become not call for finding some hidden reality, but _just_ call for intellectual fight. It can be impressive when you first see it ...but impression quickly become negative one, after you realize this type of battle mostly breed  fighters and pushers, who often just easily drop all this uncovered-via-hard-work-‘truth’ for some cont. debate/social  reason :/ How to combat this tendency? May be by helping loosing side (less mainstream, less supported) as  a rule? Like helping your opponent with ideas, materials, books, carrying out something, be it observation or building, alongside your own line, and looking for similar behavior from ‘opponent’?
2.21 Are we fail into overspecialization trap, where required/extreme inclusiveness, acceptance and support of new ideas and unusual humans just never progress beyond some group? Like programmers can be extremely sensitive to some technological angle, and completely deaf, even aggressive against philosophy and other ‘soft sciences’.  And counterpart of this problem, when humans proclaim their so universal humanity you started to wonder how they supposed to pull it off IRL …. {we can’t realistically support ALL humans, only some quite small number of them in any given time}. Of course last one apparently driven to absurd extreme by bigger and bigger demand for humanity/humane, in the world where a lot of officially supported trends exactly drag you backward, combined with some self-image inflation...
2.22 unability to actually abstract problem from real-world examples AND use this new understanding for preventing similar, or less-obviously-similar problems from occuring also Yes, this is again about overspecialization, too - too few humans  accept thinking as normal mode of life, as something truely required, and important. Humans prefer to think thinking only needed at work, or in some situations, and/or only should be done by some humans...well, thinking is painful and effort-heavy. And alone and in itself not helping. And can’t be performed alone. But with ‘dark’ side of progress pushing forward and forward into more we have any real way but TO THINK with better quality, as much as we can, not as little as possible?
2.23 Our life is not homogene, so years of living as honest man can be relatively easily undone and worse (with some kind of megaregression, esp. dangerous because previous history not indicated this as likely variant) by just few giveaways under pressure in critical moment. Likewise, some situations and activities much more provocative, thus, looking again at my dog, our indoor living not really represent our living in general, because rel. short outside walks in fact quite restrictive for dog, and lead to amount of violence (!!) from my side ..yeah, stopping dog by physical force IS violence.
2.24 Demanding from solo human to outperform whole asshole collective is not going to work. (and making another asshole collective for fighting first one is not giving anything positive, just more assholes!) Likewise for asking one to outperform  ALL humans who were unable to solve some hard problem (outside of very specific narrow field, like math) in all those years since start of written history.
2.25 Books are awesome, they can show you [parts of] life as lived by very different to your time and location humans, yet ...they usually unable to make you even remotely as good in personal qualities as even most real writers themselves were, transfer fail …. (I was reading Ken LeVasseur’ and Ben White stories (ref. 2.24 - they both HAVE/had friends who helped them! So, it all was done NOT alone), along with many others ..but while they surely motivated me to behave in more coherent and brave manner in my field - I’m still very far from actually being able to stand for real cetacea ...even for my dogs results are mixed - in some cases I was able to stand and protect them, in others - not.) Meh, I mean you can’t download practical resistance from book!
2.26 There seems to be confusion about peak and sustained resistance ….
2,27 Supporting oppressor equally with those who oppose it - less than half-assed service, more like disservice …. {it probably can be said we *all* serve currently very oppressive humanity as a whole - yeah..I tried to pick those who, IMW, serves this wrong humanity least …}

What to do about all this?

3.1 May be play some self-tricks on yourself, guiding your actions against usual flow? Like, making little good things each time you can (and making sure you will not take this back, so good work not become undone lately), and  for example shutting down computer instead of making angry outburst if you feel too bad? Putting yourself in situation you know (or suspect) you will behave in necessary, but hard to move on your own, direction?

3.1.1 Learn to live on very low-power budget? I mean, don’t drag your dog even if you feel you must, for example …

3.1.2 Making some non-standard type of living (relative to current mainstream) still helps even if not others but at very least you, to  have resistance.

3.1.3 Try to assemble best possible ethical theory of action , from available best literature, and try to live just one step even further from all those works? Ok, this sounds too ambitious, but I try to live by it, even if with just dog atm? I mean, ideas from Erich Fromm on humanities and capitalism and society, ideas from John Lilly on scientists and non-humans with cetacea as focus, ideas of Sue Donaldson and Kymlicka on domesticated non-humans, Alexander Nevzorov’s ideas on horses, Anthony Weston’s ideas on bigger world /mostly libre beings / ..I combine them all in my head, and try to live by resulted combined ethic? Not dismissing any real being, no matter how labeled by humans? Ok, Nevzorov will facepalm looking at my dog walks … :/ Not like living honestly for even ‘just dog’ is easy thing today least in given city.

3.1.4 May be giving some recognition to humans who can stand psychological pressure, because in modern world a lot of hits {with extremely catastrophic consequences}  go via psychology, not via physical punch… Bravety shouldn’t be restricted to physical side only.

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