This is repost from our Facebook group.
Just something I think we better to define very clearly.
What exactly we still mean under term social relations with cetacea (from biggest whales to smallest porpoise-like beings, inclusive).
1) Making humans useful (!), callable by cetacea, _for specific or non-specific tasks_. See role reversal? Humans making themselves available for dolphin's tasks!
1.1) For this we better to learn how to recognize our true intentions, how to be honest, and how to guide themselves toward some very uncommon goal ...
1.2) This includes abandoning of this 'natural' for us hierachism as everyday practice.
1.2.1) Setting dolphins as 'higher' beings has unfortunate (?) side-effect of some active impotency - like, if they so superior - they don't need any help and we can't do anything meaningful for them. Drop this!
1.2.2) Our real empathy tend to be completely non-functional - humans _easily_ can command other humans to electroshock/kill some other humans - and all this considered normal! Within 'humanistic' society
So, don't rely on this 'we are soo damn humane and civilized!" We are
not, and our real empathy sense IS constantly killed and/or twisted. I
don't think we really can feel directly someone's mental and/or physical
pain - but we can and must 'emulate' such empathy with senses we have,
and thinking we can develop.
1.3) with results of such new practice measured accurately, and not on basis 'I think I made progress, so no need for self-checking..'. Progress on those matters usually hard and painful, no happiness-seekers will make it far enough w/o not so harmless lying. There is one thing we better to follow absolutely, from philosophical/scientific toolbox - never allow some force to become invisible because you don't want to see it - be it force inside you, or in human society surrounding you. Of course just recognizing there IS force doesn't protect by magic - you must spend time accurately testing yourself (as always-here animal!) what you can do for realistically countermaneuring some of those newly discovered tendencies, and/or how to put them in good use for cetacea! {actually, this is applicable for non-cetacea, too)
2) For 1. you need _real_ communication, not just feeling of can be of any nature, but you better to have it working, because life of everyone will be dependent on reality/consistency of such link. Of course, it better to start small, but eventually things will escalate to serious (=real) levels. Abstract linguistic communication thus become not just some trick, but vital component of common defense, and communal life. From avoiding man-created problems - to just simple social chat at free time.
3) Friends are much more than just players, at least in cetacea's world. So, giving something, protecting, worrying etc all must be real, and collective (with cetacea) work must be seen as real life, something to live until the end, not nice, droppable at any time thing.
4) Giving is MUCH more important than taking, because..I don't know, for dolphins and other beings who care about social relations it just work (unlike with humans!) - you give a lot - and shortly enough something good will come your way ..something bad will come too, sometimes...and friends are friends because they can live and help each other in turbulent times, not just when everything is ok-ish.
5) Focus on helping cetacea's themselves - not by human proxy (so, it about making human collectives, but NOT about lobbying some govt or similar power abuser) .. Its not about studying them, or anything of this sort ..under-standing, yes, like helping them, metaphorically speaking, reach surface in time ....cycle after cycle.
6) Making whole thing not easily killable by 'external' factors, like dominant ideology, or internal leveling-off ...
7) Allow cetacea actually act on you, physically. This tend to escalate into some kind of masochistic trend in me , but mostly because so many humans only accept _their_ right for touching (and handling, in worst sense of this word), and deny completely right of other side to do the same! I think our own desire to maintain our body unharmed more than enough for avoiding really bad things. But still, there is another moment - negative emotions like anger negative because they are painful! So, don't pain dolphins (and co) by angering them ...
8) Please drop individualism. From very physical to very fine aspects of psychology - individual human _alone_ can't effectively help even smallest cetacea, unless we talk about very short-timed episodes, not something lasting. If you drop poor beluga at top of me - we both will be dead as result! Don't do this metaphorically speaking too - don't force anyone to keep whole weight of responsibility - it all completely unnatural and impossible to do. Again, drop individualism and those unvoiced, but very feelable calls to "oh, just show us something uberheroic, and we will start to consider looking into your thinking .." Such BS!
:( (this is often subconscious, but I actually got this voiced at me, at times, openly).
What exactly we still mean under term social relations with cetacea (from biggest whales to smallest porpoise-like beings, inclusive).
1) Making humans useful (!), callable by cetacea, _for specific or non-specific tasks_. See role reversal? Humans making themselves available for dolphin's tasks!
1.1) For this we better to learn how to recognize our true intentions, how to be honest, and how to guide themselves toward some very uncommon goal ...
1.2) This includes abandoning of this 'natural' for us hierachism as everyday practice.
1.2.1) Setting dolphins as 'higher' beings has unfortunate (?) side-effect of some active impotency - like, if they so superior - they don't need any help and we can't do anything meaningful for them. Drop this!
1.2.2) Our real empathy tend to be completely non-functional - humans _easily_ can command other humans to electroshock/kill some other humans - and all this considered normal! Within 'humanistic' society

1.3) with results of such new practice measured accurately, and not on basis 'I think I made progress, so no need for self-checking..'. Progress on those matters usually hard and painful, no happiness-seekers will make it far enough w/o not so harmless lying. There is one thing we better to follow absolutely, from philosophical/scientific toolbox - never allow some force to become invisible because you don't want to see it - be it force inside you, or in human society surrounding you. Of course just recognizing there IS force doesn't protect by magic - you must spend time accurately testing yourself (as always-here animal!) what you can do for realistically countermaneuring some of those newly discovered tendencies, and/or how to put them in good use for cetacea! {actually, this is applicable for non-cetacea, too)
2) For 1. you need _real_ communication, not just feeling of can be of any nature, but you better to have it working, because life of everyone will be dependent on reality/consistency of such link. Of course, it better to start small, but eventually things will escalate to serious (=real) levels. Abstract linguistic communication thus become not just some trick, but vital component of common defense, and communal life. From avoiding man-created problems - to just simple social chat at free time.
3) Friends are much more than just players, at least in cetacea's world. So, giving something, protecting, worrying etc all must be real, and collective (with cetacea) work must be seen as real life, something to live until the end, not nice, droppable at any time thing.
4) Giving is MUCH more important than taking, because..I don't know, for dolphins and other beings who care about social relations it just work (unlike with humans!) - you give a lot - and shortly enough something good will come your way ..something bad will come too, sometimes...and friends are friends because they can live and help each other in turbulent times, not just when everything is ok-ish.
5) Focus on helping cetacea's themselves - not by human proxy (so, it about making human collectives, but NOT about lobbying some govt or similar power abuser) .. Its not about studying them, or anything of this sort ..under-standing, yes, like helping them, metaphorically speaking, reach surface in time ....cycle after cycle.
6) Making whole thing not easily killable by 'external' factors, like dominant ideology, or internal leveling-off ...
7) Allow cetacea actually act on you, physically. This tend to escalate into some kind of masochistic trend in me , but mostly because so many humans only accept _their_ right for touching (and handling, in worst sense of this word), and deny completely right of other side to do the same! I think our own desire to maintain our body unharmed more than enough for avoiding really bad things. But still, there is another moment - negative emotions like anger negative because they are painful! So, don't pain dolphins (and co) by angering them ...
8) Please drop individualism. From very physical to very fine aspects of psychology - individual human _alone_ can't effectively help even smallest cetacea, unless we talk about very short-timed episodes, not something lasting. If you drop poor beluga at top of me - we both will be dead as result! Don't do this metaphorically speaking too - don't force anyone to keep whole weight of responsibility - it all completely unnatural and impossible to do. Again, drop individualism and those unvoiced, but very feelable calls to "oh, just show us something uberheroic, and we will start to consider looking into your thinking .." Such BS!

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